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Community Banking Conference Highlights Risks Industry Faces

Carl White

Risk in its various forms and how it is evaluated was the overriding theme of the 2023 Community Banking Research Conference, held last fall at the St. Louis Fed. The annual conference—sponsored by the Federal Reserve System, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC)—spotlights emerging research on issues important to the community banking industry and features keynote addresses by leading community bankers and regulators. More than 1,100 academics, bankers and regulators participated in person or virtually.

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Bankers Name Tightening Margins, Cybersecurity as Top Challenges

Carl White

Maintaining the spread between interest income and interest expense, deposit growth, liquidity, and cybersecurity lead a list of community bankers’ top concerns, according to an annual survey. Several of these concerns spiked from their rankings in the 2022 survey, an indicator of how much the banking environment has changed over the last year.

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Managing Liquidity Risk and the Importance of Bank Contingency Funding Plans

Carl White

U.S. banking supervisors are asking the nation’s bankers to evaluate the liquidity risk inherent in their banks’ current operations and to have contingency funding plans in place and ready to execute in the event of liquidity shortfalls.1 That guidance is spelled out in an updated interagency policy statement issued in July.

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Economic Uncertainty, Rising Interest Rates Challenge Banks

Carl White

The U.S. banking system is sound and resilient, with strong capital and liquidity, according to the latest report on bank supervision and regulation released in May by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Nevertheless, bank supervisors are actively monitoring risks associated with credit, liquidity and interest rates. These risks have risen in 2023 because of prevailing economic conditions and uncertainty about the future path of the economy.

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Commercial Real Estate Market Stress Poses a Challenge to Banks

Carl White

A variety of factors—rising interest rates, persistent inflation, concerns about a potential recession and pandemic-related changes in where people work—have prompted concerns about the health of commercial real estate (CRE) properties and the bank loans that support them. Supervisors and economists at the Federal Reserve actively monitor CRE market conditions and the CRE loan portfolios of the banks it supervises.

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